The importance of Sleep on muscle gain.

Does sleep have any effect on your muscles? Our Sports Scientists hear all the time from clients that their sleeping patterns are poor. Late nights out, working late, mind racing when your head hits the pillow etc. Can you relate? It is very well known and documented that sleep plays a crucial part of humans’ […]
Light vs Heavy Weight

The best way to build muscle mass, a new research article.
What’s more important – diet or exercise?

It’s a question we regularly hear when clients come in for a DEXA scan: “What’s more important, diet or exercise?” The short answer is they both are. But you’re not reading this for the short answer, are you? And if you’ve been trying to run your way into a smaller clothing size, then you’re probably […]
It’s not too late to get your dream summer body!

It’s a common saying – summer bodies are made in winter. And maybe with the whiff of wattle in the August air, you’re thinking that it’s nearly spring and you’ve left it too late to get your dream beach body. Well, we’re here to tell you that it’s not too late! Losing body fat and […]
Get a picture of your bone health

How healthy are your bones? Do you even think about your bones? After all, bones are hidden away, just doing their thing. This week, 3 to 9 August 2015, it’s Healthy Bone Action Week, so we’re asking you to think about how strong your bones are. Most people don’t know how many crucial functions your […]
Are you hitting your protein sweet-spot?

Protein is an essential macronutrient for good health, and is especially vital for building and maintaining lean muscle mass. But how much is enough? How can you calculate how much you need? And can you have too much protein? In this blog post, we’ll explore these issues and break it down for you. Why protein […]
Are you exercising too much? Physical stress and fat stores

We see it all the time: client comes in, they want to lose weight – ideally fat. In pursuit of that goal of fat loss, they’ve been watching what they eat and hitting the gym every day. Sometimes, even twice a day! But despite all that exercising, they’re just not getting the results and we […]
Are you sleeping yourself fat?

There’s no doubt about it, sleep can make you fat. But that’s not because you’re being a lazy bludger who’s hitting the snooze button on your alarm instead of getting up for your workout. No, it’s not getting ENOUGH sleep that might be the culprit for that pillow of fat around your tummy. You see, […]
Anabolic versus catabolic: What’s the difference and why does it matter for your health?

The terms anabolic and catabolic are well-known in the weightlifting and body building communities, but we believe it’s time that the broader community understood what these terms mean and use that knowledge to improve health and well-being! So, what do these terms mean? Anabolic and catabolic essentially refer to whether your body is building tissue […]
Is old age muscling in on you?

Maintaining muscle mass as you age Did you know that at some point in your 30s, you will begin to lose muscle mass? People who are physically inactive can lose as much as 3% to 5% of their muscle mass per decade after 30, with this rate accelerating at around 75 years. It is a […]