The importance of Sleep on muscle gain.

Does sleep have any effect on your muscles? Our Sports Scientists hear all the time from clients that their sleeping patterns are poor. Late nights out, working late, mind racing when your head hits the pillow etc. Can you relate? It is very well known and documented that sleep plays a crucial part of humans’ […]

What’s your baseline? And where do you want to be?

Bianca realised she needs to stay on top of her her game by watching her baseline and keeping fit and healthy.Now, everyone knows that we should eat better food, move more and generally look after ourselves better. And look, we get it – change is hard, and it can be easier just to carry on […]

Direction to Health

Physiotherapist Emma Esslemont recently discovered the huge benefits of getting a Dexa Scan at Body Measure in Crows Nest. Mainly, she loved the fact she was given perspective and direction as to what is needed to be ‘healthier’. She also asks the question: If you knew you were at higher risk of developing chronic disease would […]


With summer around the corner many of us are working hard towards getting that beach body. We all know the deal. Increase lean mass and decrease fat. But how do we know if all our hard work is working? How do we know what our current body composition is? How do we measure our progress […]

Diabetes and Visceral Fat

Did you know that one of the leading causes of diabetes worldwide is the extra fat that is stored in your stomach and is literally suffocating many of your vital organs? Both a genetic and developed disease (that is, a lifestyle disease), diabetes is a condition that is a direct result of the body’s inability […]

Visceral Fat and trying to lose weight!

Did you know that having visceral fat can make losing body fat even harder? Although almost everyone has visceral fat in their body, some individuals have a lot more than others.  By eating foods that are filled with fatty or sugar based substances, the visceral fat in your system will promote weight gain. Visceral fat, […]

Visceral Fat and Cardiovascular Disease

Not to be confused with the fat that lays directly beneath the skins surface, visceral fat, is fat stored around the organs in the stomach. What a lot of people don’t realize about visceral fat, is that it is directly involved in cardiovascular disease. In fact, a recent study at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in […]

Visceral Fat turning Men into Women!

If you look around at men at the beach you will notice that there are more and more men these days with man boobs. This is something we used to see in older men but now its becoming more common in general and more common in younger men. So what’s going on! Well the culprit […]