Is losing weight your New Year resolution? Here’s why we think you need to change your goal

Every year as the clock clicks over from 11.59pm on 31 December to 12.00am on 1 January, millions of people worldwide resolve that this is the year that they are going to lose weight. Promotions will abound for January detoxes, special deals on the latest meal replacement shake craze, and all the diet companies will […]
Beer bellies and muffin tops: Are you hiding behind cute names for abdominal fat?

January has arrived, and with the New Year typically come thoughts of a renewed commitment to health and wellness. Maybe those jeans are a little bit tighter after the excesses of Christmas. (Just me? No, didn’t think so.) Maybe you’re hiding under a t-shirt at the beach. Or maybe you’ve always done those things but […]
Losing weight, but are you losing muscle mass too?

There’s no end of diets and weight loss strategies that promise that you’ll shed x number of kilos in y number of days. ‘Look sexy by Christmas,’ they shout from magazine covers at the supermarket checkout. ‘Drink our shakes and drop two dress sizes by Sunday,’ they claim. And yes, you probably will lose x […]
Measure your Motivation

“Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it.” H. James Harrington Harrington was writing about business, but his words ring just as true when […]
It’s what’s on the inside that counts: The risks of hidden fat

Do you have a secret killer hiding deep within your abdomen? Visceral fat, or abdominal fat, might be out of sight, but it really shouldn’t be out of mind. Visceral fat is implicated in a wide variety of health problems – much more so than the visible subcutaneous fat you can pinch between your fingers. […]
Finding motivation in fat facts- Bringing Sexy Back!

When Paula Beckton was selected as a contestant on Channel 7’s Bringing Sexy Back, she weighed 101 kilograms. However, Paula had convinced herself that the figure was only a number. It was only when she had her first DEXA scan, and was confronted with the facts about her body composition behind it, that Paula had […]
Direction to Health

Physiotherapist Emma Esslemont recently discovered the huge benefits of getting a Dexa Scan at Body Measure in Crows Nest. Mainly, she loved the fact she was given perspective and direction as to what is needed to be ‘healthier’. She also asks the question: If you knew you were at higher risk of developing chronic disease would […]

With summer around the corner many of us are working hard towards getting that beach body. We all know the deal. Increase lean mass and decrease fat. But how do we know if all our hard work is working? How do we know what our current body composition is? How do we measure our progress […]
Metabolism – Energy Burned Whilst Doing Nothing

Your body is constantly burning kilojoules just to stay alive, even when you are watching television or sleeping! Knowing your Basal (Resting) Metabolic Rate is useful when trying to lose fat and gain muscle. You essentially get a baseline of the minimum kilojoules required just to live. There is a lot of hype out there […]
Diabetes and Visceral Fat

Did you know that one of the leading causes of diabetes worldwide is the extra fat that is stored in your stomach and is literally suffocating many of your vital organs? Both a genetic and developed disease (that is, a lifestyle disease), diabetes is a condition that is a direct result of the body’s inability […]