Finding motivation in fat facts- Bringing Sexy Back!

When Paula Beckton was selected as a contestant on Channel 7’s Bringing Sexy Back, she weighed 101 kilograms. However, Paula had convinced herself that the figure was only a number. It was only when she had her first DEXA scan, and was confronted with the facts about her body composition behind it, that Paula had what she called her moment of truth:

“The DEXA scan revealed the true me. Knowing and facing the damage I was doing inside was really important and a pivotal point. You don’t actually know that when you weigh yourself on the scales at home. Seeing the DEXA scan imaging of the amount of fat I had on my body was quite confronting, I think on the show I said that it was “really gross” and I can’t deny that it was shocking. I could see how much my weight gain had affected my health and how poor a role model I was being for my children.”

Paula reviews her Dexa Scan on Channel Seven’s Bringing Sexy Back

Starting her journey with a DEXA scan and being provided with detailed body composition data was a key motivational tool for Paula. “Having a DEXA scan at the start really sets the pace and allows you to be very clear on what your starting point is and what you want to get away from being.”

As most overweight people who’ve tried to make lifestyle changes know, it can be tough. Maintaining motivation and momentum to lose weight is difficult when the number on your bathroom scales is barely shifting.

Paula was able to bypass this frustration, thanks to regular DEXA scans to review her body composition. The scans empowered Paula with critical information on maintaining momentum, keeping her focused on her journey towards a more ideal weight.

“When you lose weight, you sometimes don’t see yourself how much weight you have lost. You might think, oh, I’ve only lost 12 kilograms, but with the DEXA scan showing me what that loss of 12 kilograms actually means in regards to health and not just weight, it really gave me a mental edge to continue to work towards my goals,” says Paula.

Paula’s weight loss transformation!


Thanks to Bringing Sexy Back and the insights provided by DEXA scans, Paula has been able to make significant lifestyle changes – all while managing the regular challenges of daily life.

“I made this work, I wasn’t locked away for three months. I had all my usual responsibilities as a mother, a wife, and a business owner. I worked, I cooked, I cleaned and did all the normal things that a working mother of four kids does. My exercise regime consisted of 20 minutes in the morning on a cross trainer as that was all the time I had available to me, so I made the most of those 20 minutes every day.

“I had tried and failed at so many diets in the past – otherwise I wouldn’t have reached 101 kilograms! I knew that this time around any changes would need to be sustainable in the overall context of my life.”

With four children, Paula was motivated to improve her own health so that she could continue to be present in their lives and able to keep up with them. “My kids’ obvious pride in me being healthy is a great feeling and knowing that their little arms came closer and closer together when they hug me is fantastic.”

Yet, with juggling four children and a busy work life, Paula had to recognise that one of the most important factors in her success was self-motivation and a willingness to put herself first.

“I had to commit to myself that there would not be anything that was going to stop me, not even the repertoire of excuses I had from past efforts. I needed to make the right choices for myself, and not just for the kids.”

The experience of appearing on Bringing Sexy Back and the empowering information from the DEXA scans, has been a life-changing experience for Paula.

“I have made a healthy lifestyle change and it was such a wonderful opportunity. I would strongly encourage others to take the steps to jump start their new life and embrace living, truly living, a new healthier lifestyle towards health and fitness.”


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