Can I start group training with the easing of restrictions in NSW?

What do the new easing of restrictions mean for YOUR HEALTH

After the announcement from Prime Minister Scott Morrison of a 3 step plan to reopen the nation, Premier Gladys Berejiklian revealed that NSW will have some restrictions eased as of Friday 15th of May.

This does mean we can start hi-fiving each other after doing our HIIT sessions? Not quite. Social distancing and personal hygiene are not going anywhere anytime soon, however, there are some exciting easing of restrictions especially around your ability to get back to group training! INCLUDING:

  • outdoor gatherings of up to 10 people
  • use of outdoor equipment with caution
  • outdoor pools open with restrictions.

Read about the latest easing NSW restrictions on the NSW.Gov website.

Does the new easing of restrictions allow me to start back at my boot camp?


You can now train with up to 9 other people outdoors! Following social distancing guidelines ( ie no HI Fives) – thanks, Gladys! It’s time to bring out the leg warmers, puffer jackets, set some goals, and get back to outdoor group training.

You can now also use outdoor gym equipment and outdoor pools.

Be sure to still maintain a safe social distance just like the people at Vision Crows Nest have done in their outdoor group training sessions.

Where do I start on my health kick?

We get it, some people’s motivation levels to train have been low, as low as toilet paper in supermarkets.

If that sounds like you, in your current ISO situation, there is no need to punish yourself for being a bit lax, sometimes it’s nice to take a break from training. What is important to remember is that our bodies, mind, and mood will be happier the more we move. So let’s make a plan and find something that you can do even for 30 mins a day. 

Ease into it with realistic goals

Everyone’s activity levels vary, for some adding in another 30mins of moderate aerobic activity such as walking will be adequate. Others are almost at peak marathon pace. Find your sweet spot, and reassess every so often to ensure you keep building.  Try the Couch to 5k if you are getting back into running.

Our experts at Body Measure DEXA scanning Crows Nest will ensure you know your ideal body weight and an exact time frame to reach goals, with a sustainable program.

DID YOU KNOW? To maintain good health we need a combination of 2 ½  – 5 hours of moderate activity and 1 ¼ -2 ½ hours of vigorous activity plus 2 strength sessions per week.

Don’t forget the food plan!

Metabolic testing

80% happens in the kitchen, this couldn’t speak more truth, it’s no wonder we aren’t able to run off the bored, binge, and emotional eating.

Clean up your diet and the rest will fall into place.

We recommend performing a Metabolic test to find out if you are:

  • burning sugar or fat as a predominant fuel source,
  • know an EXACT calorie plan and
  • find out if your metabolism is slow, normal or fast.

DNA Testing

It’s the DNA test at Body Measure Crows Nest, which provides you with your Macro-nutrient break down from your genetic profile.

You will also find out:

  • If you have more fast-twitch or slow-twitch muscle fibers,
  • Receive a comprehensive 8week diet plan and
  • A fitness plan, including instructional videos, set and rep ranges, even rest times.

Make it measurable

DEXA scanning

If you want to measure Visceral Fat levels, true body fat percentage and ensure you are making changes in the right direction – DEXA  scanning is the way to go. We all know home scales are child’s play, DEXA is the gold standard for testing body composition for a reason!

Along with tracking every few months with DEXA, the perfect way to do some additional at-home tracking is by measuring the circumference of the waist, arms, lower body hips, and quads.

Also calculating your hip to waist ratio

Contact us

Phone: 9460 8502

Email: [email protected]Address: Level 2a/ 378 Pacific Hwy, Crows Nest, NSW 2065


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