Coaching at BodyMeasure

This post is a 4 minute read BODY COMPOSITION COACHING! It’s Finally Available! After years of our clients asking for it, Body Measure now offers personalised one-on-one Body Composition Coaching. Coaching is a sure-fire way to get your ideal body. In the fastest time possible!With weekly video calls, unlimited DEXA and Metabolic tests, ongoing measurements, progress […]
The Cheat Code for Fat Loss.

This post is a 4 minute read What is the Fat Loss Cheat Code? Imagine there was a piece of paper with your name on it.Under your name were the exact calories your body needs to get lean, and exact calories to stay lean.Imagine if this paper knew your actual metabolic rate (and not some […]
Visceral Fat, the Ticking Time Bomb

This post is a 2 minute read Visceral fat, otherwise known as belly fat, is stored deep within your abdomen and surrounding organs such as the intestines, liver, and pancreas. You might have heard of it before from fat loss gurus like Michael Mosley, and other wellness experts like Peter Attia. So, what’s all the fuss, […]
Is Your Diet Ruining Your Metabolism?

Many people, with the constant advise from many diet and health based media, opt for an extreme caloric deficit diet to lose weight. Unfortunately, being in too great of a deficit for your metabolism, can lead to muscle loss, which will slow down your metabolism. See the thing is, when your metabolism slows down, you […]
Can I start group training with the easing of restrictions in NSW?

What do the new easing of restrictions mean for your health?
The importance of Sleep on muscle gain.

Does sleep have any effect on your muscles? Our Sports Scientists hear all the time from clients that their sleeping patterns are poor. Late nights out, working late, mind racing when your head hits the pillow etc. Can you relate? It is very well known and documented that sleep plays a crucial part of humans’ […]
Can you convert Fat into Muscle?

Fat into Muscle. Myth or fact? When a client says they want to turn their fat into muscle what they are really saying is that they want to lose fat and gain muscle! Now, there are really two goals in that sentence; 1. Reduce fat 2. Gain muscle. This is a great goal and losing fat […]
Light vs Heavy Weight

The best way to build muscle mass, a new research article.

ACHIEVING RESULTS THROUGH DEXA. Congrats to Pretty P, Body Measure’s client of the month for November! She has achieve great results in the past year. Pretty has reduced her body fat percentage from 18.9% to a lean 15.5% You can see on Pretty’s latest DEXA scan she now has a very visible waist line and […]

Congrats to our first client of the month! Elaine is a client of ours at Body Measure, Crow’s Nest and has been coming since Jan 2015. She is a great example of what perseverance and consistently measuring your results can do. We see so many clients start and give up. Those that get measured regularly […]